At Warrior Spirit Martial Arts Academy we specialize in self defense training for adults.  Our lesson plans are geared specifically to the way that adults learn and retain information.  We will not only teach you real, effective self defense techniques, we will teach you the theory behind each movement.   If you are the type of person that wants the "why" as well as the "how," then we are the school for you.
Option #1:  Students may attend one private lesson each week and unlimited workout classes.
Option #2:  Students may attend two private lessons each month and unlimited workout classes.
Option #3:  Students may attend unlimited workout classes with no private instruction. 
Please contact Sigung Jones for more information on how we select our students and to discuss program options and prices!
    The focus of these programs is on teaching the art of Wu Shen Pai Chu’an Fa Gung Fu.   The curriculum of the system is designed to teach adults real self defense,  the skills needed to use the techniques effectively, and the theory behind the movements.  Private lessons focus on the techniques, forms, and basics of the system, and provide the student with individual time to ask questions and perfect the skills being taught.
    Wu Shen Pai is justly renown as the ultimate in self defense because our system’s method of execution is explosive, fast, and powerful.  Wu Shen Pai is direct and wastes no motion in its self defense applications.  Wu Shen Pai is also the most comprehensive system of martial art available for study today!  It encompasses self defense techniques, groundfighting, joint manipulation (termed Chin Na in Chinese), the study of body mechanics, motion, and the science of movement.  The application of the principles of Kinesiology and Physics are also a part of Wu Shen Pai.  Basics are emphasized to develop strong bodies and skills.  The use of modern and classical weapons are also taught to create a well rounded martial art system.  This superlative system is then taught within the context of a Martial Way! 
 Emphasize your strengths
•    Achieve a higher level of fitness
•    Master  self defense skills
•    Become more confident
•    Fight effectively in a self defense situation 
•    Defend yourself from the ground 
One of the aspects of training that has always set Warrior Spirit Martial Arts Academy ahead of the curve is private instruction.  Each student receives at least one private lesson each week in addition to the group workout classes.  Private lessons are taught by certified, black belt instructors.
    Private instruction allows a student to develop at his or her own pace, in a safe environment, free of the distractions of a class type atmosphere.  In a private lesson, students and instructors have the freedom to explore the techniques and to tailor the curriculum to fit the individual needs of each student.
    Private lessons are excellent tools for teaching children.  Although many children do well in a group environment, most will benefit greatly from some one on one time with their instructor.  In private, there is no pressure to perform, no one watching you learn a new and difficult skill, and no peer pressure to act out.
    Another benefit of private instruction is found in the group classes.  Because new material is learned and practiced first in private, the instructor in group are able to gear the class towards repetition and fitness, correcting mistakes and improving performance, but not really needing to take the time to teach new material.
    In short, students who participate in our program at Warrior Spirit Martial Arts Academy which includes private instruction are able to assimilate much more material in a shorter amount of time than those who attend group classes only.
    Students are able to take as many private lessons as they wish, and through the use of short courses, have freedom to customize our curriculum to fit their needs and desires.
    Group workout classes focus on neuromuscular conditioning through repetitive movement of the techniques and basics.  The classes are designed to help the student build the power, speed, balance, timing, accuracy, and flexibility necessary to utilize the self defense techniques. 
Adult Group  Classes 
This class is for student's ages 13 and over.  The class is a conditioning class that will focus on neuromuscular conditioning and high repetition of the basics of Wu Shen Pai.  Strength, speed, balance, power, flexibility, agility, and coordination will be stressed in a workout environment.  Students may come late or leave early as needed, but we work out hard in these classes and expect all who attend to give 100%.  Students should attend class in full uniform.  Classes are one (1) hour in length.  Instruction during the group classes includes forms, sets, basics, self defense, Chin Na, and Drills from our Wu Shen Pai system.
Adult Group Classes Meet: 
Monday - Friday
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Freestyle Sparring
Sparring Class    
     This class is for adults.  It is a freestyle sparring class geared towards learning how to use the basics of Wu Shen Pai in a dynamic environment against students of varying skill and intensity levels.  Sparring gear should consist of foot pads, hand pads, shin pads, a groin cup or breast protector, and a mouthpiece.  Head gear is also required.  (Note:  For safety and uniformity, all sparring gear worn in class must bear the I.K.K.S. Association logo in order to be allowed on the floor.)  Instruction in the freestyle class includes freestyle techniques, skill drills, stretching and preparation, as well as actual time spent training in freestyle.  
Sparring Class Meets:
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tai Chi      
    The focus of our Tai Chi program is health and fitness.  Tai Chi emphasizes breathing, posture, balance, strength, flexibility, and movement.  Our program focuses on the Yang Style of Tai Chi, and incorporates a blend of repetitive qigong movements to enhance the training and improve the well being of the participants.  The Tai Chi Class is taught by Sigung Jones and Sifu Nick Ellis.  Sigung Jones has studied Tai Chi for over 25 years.  Sifu Nick Eliis has studied Tai Chi for well over 15 years.  
(702) 260-4552

 Emphasize your strengths
•    Achieve a higher level of fitness
•    Master  self defense skills
•    Become more confident
•    Fight effectively in a self defense situation 
•    Defend yourself from the ground