Sifu Marilyn Bond holds the rank of 4th Degree Black Belt in Wu Shen Pai. Although this is honorary rank, it is thought that were she younger, she would have gone for the actual rank. Marilynn was extremely knowledgeable in herbology, something which Wu Shen Pai teaches in the Traditional Chinese Medicine components of the system. Marilyn held a Masters Degree in Biology and has taught courses in herbal remedies in several Wu Shen Pai national camps. Besides her extensive healing arts knowledge, Sifu Bond had certainly earned her rank in terms of the many contributions which she made daily at the kwoon. She was well known among the parents and the students at the kwoon. She was a presence virtually everyday. Her daughter, three granddaughters, and two grandsons were Black Belts in Wu Shen Pai, for which she can certainly take a measure of the credit. Sifu Bond was revered for her direct nature, her gentle manner, and her wisdom. She was, in many respects, what Sigung Jones feels a Wu Shen Pai Black Belt ought to be. She was loyal, determined, committed, and dedicated. We are grateful for her many contributions and her years of service to the art of Wu Shen Pai, her Sifu, her children, and her grandchildren. She was an example to us all and an inspiration! Sadly Marilyn passed away on August 6, 2010. She was devoted to the kwoon, to her Sifu, and to her family. Her second family WAS our kwoon! Her last pictures were from the Gathering in 2010 which she attended. She will be missed by all as she was beloved of all.